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Quantum Meditations #2【電子書籍】[ PD Allen ]

Quantum Meditations #2【電子書籍】[ PD Allen ] Quantum Meditations #2【電子書籍】[ PD Allen ] Quantum Meditations #2【電子書籍】[ PD Allen ]

<p>An exploration of reality, undertaken not with scientific method or religious ethics, but with the heart of a poet and an artist. This work is an effort to offer some conception of reality unbounded by our usual definitions, holistically connecting self and environment, perceiver and perception, thought and act into a single thing.</p> <p>This work is a journal of the artist's own path of awakening, opening his eyes to perceive the universe in a new, holographic fashion. It is a living -- as opposed to fossil -- record of conscious evolution, rendered as close as possible to the nonlinear, probabilistic web true life, growth and expansion. Read from start to finish, it has the ability to change minds, and open minds, if the reader is open to the experience, and willing to let go of his own rigid belief systems.</p> <p>The meditations contained in this work are quite literally alive. They breathe with the awareness which is the essential unit of all existence, the driving force of existence, and the ultimate expression of existence. They cross all boundaries of science, myth and spirituality to develop a living cosmology dynamic and vital.</p> <p>And they achieve all of this with a spirit of playfulness, humor and imagination which is essential to any true effort at understanding reality. For reality is a dance, performed to the lilting music of your heart, and only in dancing along can you ever hope to comprehend it.</p> <p>This is the third ebook in this series, containing meditations 359 - 520.</p> <p>BEST VIEWED ON A  LATER MODEL READER, OR ON A TABLET. Earlier models may produce the images in too small a format to be easily readable.</p> <p>Includes My Love Composed, The Dance of Life, World Making Dreams, Response of the Grasshopper, Heliocentric, The Vibration Purple, the DIA series (meditations composed during a tour of the Detroit Institute of the Arts), Connecting the Dots, the Garden of Allowing series, Conscious Manifestation, Fractal, Awareness Flows, We Are the Frontier, Wave Forms, Diamond, The Cycle of Life, Take a Deep Breath, The Fallacy of Action, Walking on Hot Coals is Easy Compared to, The Nature of Thought, Dreamers of Worlds, Weaving a Thoughtform, Memes, The Secret of Affirmations, The Universe Speaks, Navigating Infinity, Escher Stairs, A Bellows Be, The Waters Where You Swim, The Invisible Man, The Anniversary series (for Elizabeth), and much more.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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  • 商品価格:80円
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